Jumatatu, 13 Mei 2013


The English and German mathematicians, respectively, Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz invented calculus in the 17th century, but isolated results about its fundamental problems had been known for thousands of years. For example, the Egyptians discovered the rule for the volume of a pyramid as well as an approximation of the area of a circle. In ancient Greece, Archimedes proved that if c is the circumference and d the diameter of a circle, then 3d<c< 3d. His proof extended the method of inscribed and circumscribed figures developed by the Greek astronomer and mathematician Eudoxus. Archimedes used the same technique for his other results on areas and volumes. Archimedes discovered his results by means of heuristic arguments involving parallel slices of the figures and the law of the lever. Unfortunately, his treatise The Method was only rediscovered in the 19th century, so later mathematicians believed that the Greeks deliberately concealed their secret methods.
During the late middle ages in Europe, mathematicians studied translations of Archimedes’ treatises from Arabic. At the same time, philosophers were studying problems of change and the infinite, such as the addition of infinitely many quantities. Greek thinkers had seen only contradictions there, but medieval thinkers aided mathematics by making the infinite philosophically respectable.
By the early 17th century, mathematicians had developed methods for finding areas and volumes of a great variety of figures. In his Geometry by Indivisibles, the Italian mathematician F. B. Cavalieri, a student of the Italian physicist and astronomer Galileo, expanded on the work of the German astronomer Johannes Kepler on measuring volumes. He used what he called “indivisible magnitudes” to investigate areas under the curves y = xn, n = 1 ...9. Also, his theorem on the volumes of figures contained between parallel planes (now called Cavalieri’s theorem) was known all over Europe. At about the same time, the French mathematician René Descartes’La Géométrie appeared. In this important work, Descartes showed how to use algebra to describe curves and obtain an algebraic analysis of geometric problems. A codiscoverer of this analytic geometry was the French mathematician Pierre de Fermat, who also discovered a method of finding the greatest or least value of some algebraic expressions—a method close to those now used in differential calculus.
About 20 years later, the English mathematician John Wallis published The Arithmetic of Infinites, in which he extrapolated from patterns that held for finite processes to get formulas for infinite processes. His colleague at the University of Cambridge was Newton’s teacher, the English mathematician Isaac Barrow, who published a book that stated geometrically the inverse relationship between problems of finding tangents and areas, a relationship known today as the fundamental theorem of calculus.
Although many other mathematicians of the time came close to discovering calculus, the real founders were Newton and Leibniz. Newton’s discovery (1665-66) combined infinite sums (infinite series), the binomial theorem for fractional exponents, and the algebraic expression of the inverse relation between tangents and areas into methods we know today as calculus. Newton, however, was reluctant to publish, so Leibniz became recognized as a codiscoverer because he published his discovery of differential calculus in 1684 and of integral calculus in 1686. It was Leibniz, also, who replaced Newton’s symbols with those familiar today.
In the following years, one problem that led to new results and concepts was that of describing mathematically the motion of a vibrating string. Leibniz’s students, the Bernoulli family of Swiss mathematicians (see Bernoulli, Daniel), used calculus to solve this and other problems, such as finding the curve of quickest descent connecting two given points in a vertical plane. In the 18th century, the great Swiss-Russian mathematician Leonhard Euler, who had studied with Johann Bernoulli, wrote his Introduction to the Analysis of Infinites, which summarized known results and also contained much new material, such as a strictly analytic treatment of trigonometric and exponential functions.
Despite these advances in technique, calculus remained without logical foundations. Only in 1821 did the French mathematician A. L. Cauchy succeed in giving a secure foundation to the subject by his theory of limits, a purely arithmetic theory that did not depend on geometric intuition or infinitesimals. Cauchy then showed how this could be used to give a logical account of the ideas of continuity, derivatives, integrals, and infinite series. In the next decade, the Russian mathematician N. I. Lobachevsky and German mathematician P. G. L. Dirichlet both gave the definition of a function as a correspondence between two sets of real numbers, and the logical foundations of calculus were completed by the German mathematician J. W. R. Dedekind in his theory of real numbers.


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